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2012 年倫敦奧運會
第 12 天,共 17 天
2012年第三十屆夏季奧林匹克運動會(英語:2012 Summer Olympics)又稱為2012年倫敦奧運會,於2012年7月27日至8月12日在英國倫敦舉行。2005年7月6日,國際奧委會在新加坡舉行的第117次國際奧委會會議上宣布,由倫敦主辦此屆奧運會,亦是繼1908年和1948年後,倫敦第三次取得夏季奧運舉辦權,也使倫敦成為至今舉辦最多次奧運會的城市。Wikipedia
日期: 7月27日 – 8月12日
  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000  http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

沁心園聯合資訊網 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2012 年倫敦奧運會
第 12 天,共 17 天
2012年第三十屆夏季奧林匹克運動會(英語:2012 Summer Olympics)又稱為2012年倫敦奧運會,於2012年7月27日至8月12日在英國倫敦舉行。2005年7月6日,國際奧委會在新加坡舉行的第117次國際奧委會會議上宣布,由倫敦主辦此屆奧運會,亦是繼1908年和1948年後,倫敦第三次取得夏季奧運舉辦權,也使倫敦成為至今舉辦最多次奧運會的城市。Wikipedia
日期: 7月27日 – 8月12日
  http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000  http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

沁心園聯合資訊網 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

部落格檔案部落格標題: 台灣國際緊急救難隊 T.I.E.R部落格描述: 每當災難來襲的時候,總有一群人奮不顧身前往災難現場,將會有一場災難被結束,當所有救援裝備在現場撒落一地時,將會有數個生命被拯救,以緊急救難為宗 旨,以搶救生命為唯一信念。歡迎全台熱心人士加入我們的救難行列☞ 救難專線暨全台統一入會專線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。部落格網址: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tier-org個人資料姓名 T.I.E.R. 暱稱 台灣國際緊急救難隊性別 男性 居住地 台東縣年齡 不公開 星座 不公開血型 不公開 學歷 不公開職業 服務 興趣 電腦網路、登山健行電子信箱 tier001@yahoo.com.tw自我介紹台灣國際緊急救難協會隸屬中央級民間救難單位,全省共分北區聯隊、中區聯隊、南區聯隊、東區聯隊及總隊 部。本會依法設立,是一個非政治、非宗教的民間公益團體,以推行社會服務,提供協助災害緊急搶救、救災為宗旨,目前本會也已加入NGO(Non- Government Organization)組織。以號碼代替姓名、以緊急救難為生命宗旨,我們來自於全省各行各業,是群願為災難救助放棄身邊所有事務的無名英雄,本總隊 成立於民國83年4月23日,是由一位叫雷公(葉蒼榮先生)之熱心人物所發起,當時本隊名稱為台灣省緊急救難總隊,而本隊於民國90年6月17日正式更名 為台灣國際緊急救難總隊。台灣國際緊急救難總隊在百年來台灣島上最大的九二一震災中,充分發揮平日訓練,深入危樓瓦礫堆救出一個又一個的寶貴性命,搶救生 命是唯一的信念,我不入地獄,誰入地獄更是所有救難弟兄的心境寫照。救難、服務、愛心是我們每位救難隊員的基本之觀念,而身為隊員更是一輩子的事情,不求 名、不求利、有效的組織與管理,也是我們救難總隊紀律嚴謹的不二法門,在這無情與功利的社會,也期望全體隊員,能共盡一份心力,並從死神手中搶救回更多的 人命。我們希望所有肯接受嚴苛訓練、願為救難奉獻一切的全省熱心人士加入我們的救難工作。有志者也請洽台灣國際緊急救難總隊全省統一入會專 線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。我們也急需各式救難裝備與器材來提升救災效率,目前我們最急需裝備器材車,如果您能捐獻給我們,請您留言或撥打我們的救難專 線與我們聯繫,謝謝!台灣國際緊急救難總隊 ( Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Team )總隊地址:台東縣卑南鄉志航路二段96號。救難專線:089-230277 、04-22989915。海事衛星電話:+870-776427911。無線電救援頻率:148.740.0MHz。臉 書:http://www.facebook.com/tier001統一編號:17711406。郵政劃撥捐款帳號:06623891。戶名:台灣省緊 急救難協會。銀行捐款帳戶:0541-22-02885-8-0開戶行:元大銀行-東信分行(銀行代號:806)開戶名:台灣國際緊急救難協會感謝您的來 訪,我們的部落格陸續架設中,對我們的部落歡迎提出意見與指教,留言給我們即可,同時也歡迎您的訂閱以及幫我們推廣,祝您平安、順利。Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Association under the central-level non-governmental rescue units, and Taiwan is divided into North District Wing, Central Wing, Southern District, United, Eastern Wing and Corps Headquarters. This Council established by law, is a non-political, non-religious non-governmental public interest groups, to the implementation of social services to provide to assist disaster emergency rescue and disaster relief for the purpose of this Council have also joined the NGO. (Non-Government Organization)Number instead of name, emergency rescue for the purpose of life, we come from all walks of life in the province, is a group of unsung heroes of disaster relief is willing to give up all around transaction, the Corps was established on April 23, 83, is a called Thunder and (Mr. Ye Cang-Rong) initiated by the enthusiastic character, then the name of the team for the emergency rescue corps in Taiwan Province, the team on June 17, 1990 officially changed its name to the international emergency rescue corps.International emergency rescue corps in a hundred years to the island of Taiwan 921 earthquake, give full play to the daily training, in-depth dangerous building rubble rescued a precious lives, saving lives is the only faith, I do not go to hell, who into hell is the portrayal of the state of mind of all rescue brothers.Rescue, service, love is the basic idea we each rescue team, while being a member is a lifetime thing, not fame, not for profit, the effective organization and management, the strict discipline of our rescue corps the only way to In this ruthless and materialistic society, but also hope that all the team members can make a contribution to total back to more of life and rescue from the hands of death.We hope all are willing to accept the harsh training and is willing to rescue dedication of all the province's enthusiastic individuals to join our rescue efforts.Where there is please contact the International Emergency rescue corps, the province joined the Unified Line: ☎089-230277☎04-22989915.We are also in urgent need of all kinds of rescue equipment and equipment to enhance the relief efficiency, we most urgently needed equipment equipment vehicles, if you can donate to us, please message or call our rescue green to contact us, thank you!Taiwan International Emergency Rescue TeamAddress: No.96, Beinan Township, Taitung County 954, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Rescue Line :+886-89-230277 ,+886-4 -22989915.Maritime Satellite Phone: 870-776427911.Radio aid Frequency: 148.740.0MHz.Face book: http://www.facebook.com/tier001Unified ID: 17711406.Thank you for visiting our blog successively erected, the tribe welcomes suggestions and advice, leave us a message can also welcome your subscription and to help us to promote, I wish you a safe and smooth.
【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

沁心園聯合資訊網 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

部落格檔案部落格標題: 台灣國際緊急救難隊 T.I.E.R部落格描述: 每當災難來襲的時候,總有一群人奮不顧身前往災難現場,將會有一場災難被結束,當所有救援裝備在現場撒落一地時,將會有數個生命被拯救,以緊急救難為宗 旨,以搶救生命為唯一信念。歡迎全台熱心人士加入我們的救難行列☞ 救難專線暨全台統一入會專線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。部落格網址: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tier-org個人資料姓名 T.I.E.R. 暱稱 台灣國際緊急救難隊性別 男性 居住地 台東縣年齡 不公開 星座 不公開血型 不公開 學歷 不公開職業 服務 興趣 電腦網路、登山健行電子信箱 tier001@yahoo.com.tw自我介紹台灣國際緊急救難協會隸屬中央級民間救難單位,全省共分北區聯隊、中區聯隊、南區聯隊、東區聯隊及總隊 部。本會依法設立,是一個非政治、非宗教的民間公益團體,以推行社會服務,提供協助災害緊急搶救、救災為宗旨,目前本會也已加入NGO(Non- Government Organization)組織。以號碼代替姓名、以緊急救難為生命宗旨,我們來自於全省各行各業,是群願為災難救助放棄身邊所有事務的無名英雄,本總隊 成立於民國83年4月23日,是由一位叫雷公(葉蒼榮先生)之熱心人物所發起,當時本隊名稱為台灣省緊急救難總隊,而本隊於民國90年6月17日正式更名 為台灣國際緊急救難總隊。台灣國際緊急救難總隊在百年來台灣島上最大的九二一震災中,充分發揮平日訓練,深入危樓瓦礫堆救出一個又一個的寶貴性命,搶救生 命是唯一的信念,我不入地獄,誰入地獄更是所有救難弟兄的心境寫照。救難、服務、愛心是我們每位救難隊員的基本之觀念,而身為隊員更是一輩子的事情,不求 名、不求利、有效的組織與管理,也是我們救難總隊紀律嚴謹的不二法門,在這無情與功利的社會,也期望全體隊員,能共盡一份心力,並從死神手中搶救回更多的 人命。我們希望所有肯接受嚴苛訓練、願為救難奉獻一切的全省熱心人士加入我們的救難工作。有志者也請洽台灣國際緊急救難總隊全省統一入會專 線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。我們也急需各式救難裝備與器材來提升救災效率,目前我們最急需裝備器材車,如果您能捐獻給我們,請您留言或撥打我們的救難專 線與我們聯繫,謝謝!台灣國際緊急救難總隊 ( Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Team )總隊地址:台東縣卑南鄉志航路二段96號。救難專線:089-230277 、04-22989915。海事衛星電話:+870-776427911。無線電救援頻率:148.740.0MHz。臉 書:http://www.facebook.com/tier001統一編號:17711406。郵政劃撥捐款帳號:06623891。戶名:台灣省緊 急救難協會。銀行捐款帳戶:0541-22-02885-8-0開戶行:元大銀行-東信分行(銀行代號:806)開戶名:台灣國際緊急救難協會感謝您的來 訪,我們的部落格陸續架設中,對我們的部落歡迎提出意見與指教,留言給我們即可,同時也歡迎您的訂閱以及幫我們推廣,祝您平安、順利。Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Association under the central-level non-governmental rescue units, and Taiwan is divided into North District Wing, Central Wing, Southern District, United, Eastern Wing and Corps Headquarters. This Council established by law, is a non-political, non-religious non-governmental public interest groups, to the implementation of social services to provide to assist disaster emergency rescue and disaster relief for the purpose of this Council have also joined the NGO. (Non-Government Organization)Number instead of name, emergency rescue for the purpose of life, we come from all walks of life in the province, is a group of unsung heroes of disaster relief is willing to give up all around transaction, the Corps was established on April 23, 83, is a called Thunder and (Mr. Ye Cang-Rong) initiated by the enthusiastic character, then the name of the team for the emergency rescue corps in Taiwan Province, the team on June 17, 1990 officially changed its name to the international emergency rescue corps.International emergency rescue corps in a hundred years to the island of Taiwan 921 earthquake, give full play to the daily training, in-depth dangerous building rubble rescued a precious lives, saving lives is the only faith, I do not go to hell, who into hell is the portrayal of the state of mind of all rescue brothers.Rescue, service, love is the basic idea we each rescue team, while being a member is a lifetime thing, not fame, not for profit, the effective organization and management, the strict discipline of our rescue corps the only way to In this ruthless and materialistic society, but also hope that all the team members can make a contribution to total back to more of life and rescue from the hands of death.We hope all are willing to accept the harsh training and is willing to rescue dedication of all the province's enthusiastic individuals to join our rescue efforts.Where there is please contact the International Emergency rescue corps, the province joined the Unified Line: ☎089-230277☎04-22989915.We are also in urgent need of all kinds of rescue equipment and equipment to enhance the relief efficiency, we most urgently needed equipment equipment vehicles, if you can donate to us, please message or call our rescue green to contact us, thank you!Taiwan International Emergency Rescue TeamAddress: No.96, Beinan Township, Taitung County 954, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Rescue Line :+886-89-230277 ,+886-4 -22989915.Maritime Satellite Phone: 870-776427911.Radio aid Frequency: 148.740.0MHz.Face book: http://www.facebook.com/tier001Unified ID: 17711406.Thank you for visiting our blog successively erected, the tribe welcomes suggestions and advice, leave us a message can also welcome your subscription and to help us to promote, I wish you a safe and smooth.
【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

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部落格檔案部落格標題: 台灣國際緊急救難隊 T.I.E.R部落格描述: 每當災難來襲的時候,總有一群人奮不顧身前往災難現場,將會有一場災難被結束,當所有救援裝備在現場撒落一地時,將會有數個生命被拯救,以緊急救難為宗 旨,以搶救生命為唯一信念。歡迎全台熱心人士加入我們的救難行列☞ 救難專線暨全台統一入會專線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。部落格網址: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tier-org個人資料姓名 T.I.E.R. 暱稱 台灣國際緊急救難隊性別 男性 居住地 台東縣年齡 不公開 星座 不公開血型 不公開 學歷 不公開職業 服務 興趣 電腦網路、登山健行電子信箱 tier001@yahoo.com.tw自我介紹台灣國際緊急救難協會隸屬中央級民間救難單位,全省共分北區聯隊、中區聯隊、南區聯隊、東區聯隊及總隊 部。本會依法設立,是一個非政治、非宗教的民間公益團體,以推行社會服務,提供協助災害緊急搶救、救災為宗旨,目前本會也已加入NGO(Non- Government Organization)組織。以號碼代替姓名、以緊急救難為生命宗旨,我們來自於全省各行各業,是群願為災難救助放棄身邊所有事務的無名英雄,本總隊 成立於民國83年4月23日,是由一位叫雷公(葉蒼榮先生)之熱心人物所發起,當時本隊名稱為台灣省緊急救難總隊,而本隊於民國90年6月17日正式更名 為台灣國際緊急救難總隊。台灣國際緊急救難總隊在百年來台灣島上最大的九二一震災中,充分發揮平日訓練,深入危樓瓦礫堆救出一個又一個的寶貴性命,搶救生 命是唯一的信念,我不入地獄,誰入地獄更是所有救難弟兄的心境寫照。救難、服務、愛心是我們每位救難隊員的基本之觀念,而身為隊員更是一輩子的事情,不求 名、不求利、有效的組織與管理,也是我們救難總隊紀律嚴謹的不二法門,在這無情與功利的社會,也期望全體隊員,能共盡一份心力,並從死神手中搶救回更多的 人命。我們希望所有肯接受嚴苛訓練、願為救難奉獻一切的全省熱心人士加入我們的救難工作。有志者也請洽台灣國際緊急救難總隊全省統一入會專 線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。我們也急需各式救難裝備與器材來提升救災效率,目前我們最急需裝備器材車,如果您能捐獻給我們,請您留言或撥打我們的救難專 線與我們聯繫,謝謝!台灣國際緊急救難總隊 ( Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Team )總隊地址:台東縣卑南鄉志航路二段96號。救難專線:089-230277 、04-22989915。海事衛星電話:+870-776427911。無線電救援頻率:148.740.0MHz。臉 書:http://www.facebook.com/tier001統一編號:17711406。郵政劃撥捐款帳號:06623891。戶名:台灣省緊 急救難協會。銀行捐款帳戶:0541-22-02885-8-0開戶行:元大銀行-東信分行(銀行代號:806)開戶名:台灣國際緊急救難協會感謝您的來 訪,我們的部落格陸續架設中,對我們的部落歡迎提出意見與指教,留言給我們即可,同時也歡迎您的訂閱以及幫我們推廣,祝您平安、順利。Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Association under the central-level non-governmental rescue units, and Taiwan is divided into North District Wing, Central Wing, Southern District, United, Eastern Wing and Corps Headquarters. This Council established by law, is a non-political, non-religious non-governmental public interest groups, to the implementation of social services to provide to assist disaster emergency rescue and disaster relief for the purpose of this Council have also joined the NGO. (Non-Government Organization)Number instead of name, emergency rescue for the purpose of life, we come from all walks of life in the province, is a group of unsung heroes of disaster relief is willing to give up all around transaction, the Corps was established on April 23, 83, is a called Thunder and (Mr. Ye Cang-Rong) initiated by the enthusiastic character, then the name of the team for the emergency rescue corps in Taiwan Province, the team on June 17, 1990 officially changed its name to the international emergency rescue corps.International emergency rescue corps in a hundred years to the island of Taiwan 921 earthquake, give full play to the daily training, in-depth dangerous building rubble rescued a precious lives, saving lives is the only faith, I do not go to hell, who into hell is the portrayal of the state of mind of all rescue brothers.Rescue, service, love is the basic idea we each rescue team, while being a member is a lifetime thing, not fame, not for profit, the effective organization and management, the strict discipline of our rescue corps the only way to In this ruthless and materialistic society, but also hope that all the team members can make a contribution to total back to more of life and rescue from the hands of death.We hope all are willing to accept the harsh training and is willing to rescue dedication of all the province's enthusiastic individuals to join our rescue efforts.Where there is please contact the International Emergency rescue corps, the province joined the Unified Line: ☎089-230277☎04-22989915.We are also in urgent need of all kinds of rescue equipment and equipment to enhance the relief efficiency, we most urgently needed equipment equipment vehicles, if you can donate to us, please message or call our rescue green to contact us, thank you!Taiwan International Emergency Rescue TeamAddress: No.96, Beinan Township, Taitung County 954, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Rescue Line :+886-89-230277 ,+886-4 -22989915.Maritime Satellite Phone: 870-776427911.Radio aid Frequency: 148.740.0MHz.Face book: http://www.facebook.com/tier001Unified ID: 17711406.Thank you for visiting our blog successively erected, the tribe welcomes suggestions and advice, leave us a message can also welcome your subscription and to help us to promote, I wish you a safe and smooth.
【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

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【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

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【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

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【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

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招聘啟事,台灣國際緊急救難總隊英才招募中 臺灣國際緊急救難協會招聘英才: ※工作內容:舉凡天災、火災、水災、地震、車禍、山難、水難等災害發生時,協助消防主管機關,搶救人民生命財產安全。 ※上班時間:1年365天24小時Standby,如發生重大災害,一小時內出發,六小時內抵達台灣任一災難地點進行搶救任務。 ※待遇:沒有薪水、有機會升遷、沒有年休、沒有退休金、出勤訓練自行吸收油資、救難個人裝備自行採購。 ※福利:跟我們一起做有意義的事,做快樂的傻瓜,跟我們一起喇豬屎,偶而有聚餐,但是酒你要自己帶哦。 ※本隊提供以上要提供的優渥條件,非誠勿試,沒Guts別來,圖名利也不要,備有4WD車者為佳,可支援本隊人員器材運送以利抵達災難現場,進一步支援當地災民及物資運送,並做災情訊息傳遞。 ※如果你有滿腔熱血,充滿愛心,真情真義,肯刻苦耐勞,願接受嚴格訓練,可以無怨付出,準備為民服務,造福鄉里,秉持人人為我,我為人人之情操者,我們張開雙臂,熱誠的歡迎你加入我們的救難行列。 ※想參加的各位善信、大德,請自行留言登記姓名聯絡資料,本隊會派專員跟你聯絡。 為必免詐騙之虞,請熟記本隊救難專線:089-230277、04-22989915,如有任何疑問,歡迎來電洽詢。 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

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部落格檔案部落格標題: 台灣國際緊急救難隊 T.I.E.R部落格描述: 每當災難來襲的時候,總有一群人奮不顧身前往災難現場,將會有一場災難被結束,當所有救援裝備在現場撒落一地時,將會有數個生命被拯救,以緊急救難為宗 旨,以搶救生命為唯一信念。歡迎全台熱心人士加入我們的救難行列☞ 救難專線暨全台統一入會專線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。部落格網址: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tier-org個人資料姓名 T.I.E.R. 暱稱 台灣國際緊急救難隊性別 男性 居住地 台東縣年齡 不公開 星座 不公開血型 不公開 學歷 不公開職業 服務 興趣 電腦網路、登山健行電子信箱 tier001@yahoo.com.tw自我介紹台灣國際緊急救難協會隸屬中央級民間救難單位,全省共分北區聯隊、中區聯隊、南區聯隊、東區聯隊及總隊 部。本會依法設立,是一個非政治、非宗教的民間公益團體,以推行社會服務,提供協助災害緊急搶救、救災為宗旨,目前本會也已加入NGO(Non- Government Organization)組織。以號碼代替姓名、以緊急救難為生命宗旨,我們來自於全省各行各業,是群願為災難救助放棄身邊所有事務的無名英雄,本總隊 成立於民國83年4月23日,是由一位叫雷公(葉蒼榮先生)之熱心人物所發起,當時本隊名稱為台灣省緊急救難總隊,而本隊於民國90年6月17日正式更名 為台灣國際緊急救難總隊。台灣國際緊急救難總隊在百年來台灣島上最大的九二一震災中,充分發揮平日訓練,深入危樓瓦礫堆救出一個又一個的寶貴性命,搶救生 命是唯一的信念,我不入地獄,誰入地獄更是所有救難弟兄的心境寫照。救難、服務、愛心是我們每位救難隊員的基本之觀念,而身為隊員更是一輩子的事情,不求 名、不求利、有效的組織與管理,也是我們救難總隊紀律嚴謹的不二法門,在這無情與功利的社會,也期望全體隊員,能共盡一份心力,並從死神手中搶救回更多的 人命。我們希望所有肯接受嚴苛訓練、願為救難奉獻一切的全省熱心人士加入我們的救難工作。有志者也請洽台灣國際緊急救難總隊全省統一入會專 線:☎089-230277 、☎04-22989915。我們也急需各式救難裝備與器材來提升救災效率,目前我們最急需裝備器材車,如果您能捐獻給我們,請您留言或撥打我們的救難專 線與我們聯繫,謝謝!台灣國際緊急救難總隊 ( Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Team )總隊地址:台東縣卑南鄉志航路二段96號。救難專線:089-230277 、04-22989915。海事衛星電話:+870-776427911。無線電救援頻率:148.740.0MHz。臉 書:http://www.facebook.com/tier001統一編號:17711406。郵政劃撥捐款帳號:06623891。戶名:台灣省緊 急救難協會。銀行捐款帳戶:0541-22-02885-8-0開戶行:元大銀行-東信分行(銀行代號:806)開戶名:台灣國際緊急救難協會感謝您的來 訪,我們的部落格陸續架設中,對我們的部落歡迎提出意見與指教,留言給我們即可,同時也歡迎您的訂閱以及幫我們推廣,祝您平安、順利。Taiwan International Emergency Rescue Association under the central-level non-governmental rescue units, and Taiwan is divided into North District Wing, Central Wing, Southern District, United, Eastern Wing and Corps Headquarters. This Council established by law, is a non-political, non-religious non-governmental public interest groups, to the implementation of social services to provide to assist disaster emergency rescue and disaster relief for the purpose of this Council have also joined the NGO. (Non-Government Organization)Number instead of name, emergency rescue for the purpose of life, we come from all walks of life in the province, is a group of unsung heroes of disaster relief is willing to give up all around transaction, the Corps was established on April 23, 83, is a called Thunder and (Mr. Ye Cang-Rong) initiated by the enthusiastic character, then the name of the team for the emergency rescue corps in Taiwan Province, the team on June 17, 1990 officially changed its name to the international emergency rescue corps.International emergency rescue corps in a hundred years to the island of Taiwan 921 earthquake, give full play to the daily training, in-depth dangerous building rubble rescued a precious lives, saving lives is the only faith, I do not go to hell, who into hell is the portrayal of the state of mind of all rescue brothers.Rescue, service, love is the basic idea we each rescue team, while being a member is a lifetime thing, not fame, not for profit, the effective organization and management, the strict discipline of our rescue corps the only way to In this ruthless and materialistic society, but also hope that all the team members can make a contribution to total back to more of life and rescue from the hands of death.We hope all are willing to accept the harsh training and is willing to rescue dedication of all the province's enthusiastic individuals to join our rescue efforts.Where there is please contact the International Emergency rescue corps, the province joined the Unified Line: ☎089-230277☎04-22989915.We are also in urgent need of all kinds of rescue equipment and equipment to enhance the relief efficiency, we most urgently needed equipment equipment vehicles, if you can donate to us, please message or call our rescue green to contact us, thank you!Taiwan International Emergency Rescue TeamAddress: No.96, Beinan Township, Taitung County 954, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Rescue Line :+886-89-230277 ,+886-4 -22989915.Maritime Satellite Phone: 870-776427911.Radio aid Frequency: 148.740.0MHz.Face book: http://www.facebook.com/tier001Unified ID: 17711406.Thank you for visiting our blog successively erected, the tribe welcomes suggestions and advice, leave us a message can also welcome your subscription and to help us to promote, I wish you a safe and smooth.
【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】提供 【沁心園全國最大聯播團隊~網路行銷平台資訊網】『建議、指教』【紅茶部落~總部落格】http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw /x119119119 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/0918190000 http://blog.xuite.net/x0918190000/x0918190000

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